May 18, 2016

For those that don’t know, Nicole is my sister; my only sister. While my love for her extends beyond words, I am most proud of her for what she has accomplished with the ordinary (and extraordinary) daily challenges she faces.

Nicole is a devoted wife and mother of two. She also works full-time, as a Flight Attendant, which means good eating and consistent exercise can be a challenge while on the road. She has some creative”hotel workouts” that might make you laugh.. ha ha!

As if those things weren’t challenging enough in their own right, Nicole is also a type 1 Diabetic and has been since the age of 18.  If you wonder why I harbor a passion and an intrigue in working with diabetics, she is the primary reason!

To this day, my sister is an inspiration to me when I am feeling the mundane challenges of life are getting heavy.  She has graciously offered to share her testimony so that others may be inspired.

Here is Nicole’s testimony:

“Almost two years ago, after I had my daughter Layna, I was discouraged because of the weight I had gained from having two kids. I was around 200 lbs. at 5’6”.  Not only that; but as a type 1 Diabetic I had to do something to get my health back!

Adam encouraged me to go back to my passion… lifting weights.  But, this time, with faster and more intense movements. Instead of doing “cardio” he enlisted the HIIT protocol using weight training AS my “cardio”. 

Adam guided me with nutrition and logging my caloric intake and my macros. With out his support, knowledge, and guidance I would not be where I am today.

A lot of people have asked me “wow, what are you doing” or “what do you take”… It’s obviously hard work on my part and I’ve always loved lifting. But, most of my knowledge, I credit to Adam.  

Adam has helped me immensely to gain strength I never thought possible, lose my baby weight and increase my confidence. I feel like there is an awesome opportunity for people to benefit from his knowledge as well.” 

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